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¡ To inspire hope and contribute to the wellbeing of Senior citizens.
¡¡. To make ageing fun and assist seniors to live life to the fullest.
¡¡¡. Reduce the impact of isolation by re-engaging seniors back to the society.
¡v. To build a community of active senior citizens.

Visit our office at ASCF - Beida Basic Schools, along Aliero Crescent, off Bakori Road PW Kubwa Abuja. Alternatively, we can be reached via email @info@axiosscf.org

¡. Community outreach
¡¡. Foodbank
¡¡¡. Day Centre
¡v. Welfare visit
v. Advice and support
vi. Free basic medical checks

Register with Axios Seniors club.

Through our Foundation's bank account.


Yes, the foundation caters to people aged 60 years and above

You can call us on 08066227165 or @info@axiosscf.org or visit the hub.

You can check our events calender

We have some programs tailored to the seniors, these programs are delivered at the hub once a month

We plan to provide this service as soon as we receive some funding.

We have the monthly seniors club where they all meet and have a resource person advise them on various aspects of ageing. We also have the hub, a place designed for our seniors to socialise and make new friends.

You can sign up to our newsletter.