Senior Hub/Day Centre

The senior citizens Hub is incredibly beneficial and vital to our members and the community. At the Hub, seniors have a sense of community and social connection. Many seniors face social isolation and loneliness, especially if they have limited mobility or live alone. The senior’s hub provides a space for building connections, joining interest groups, participating in discussions, and engaging in various events. Thereby reducing isolation.

The Axios Seniors Hub has been designed to feel like a home away from home. Seniors who are undergoing similar life changes due to ageing can share their stories and bond together.
This space has been carefully created to make our seniors feel comfortable and provide reassurance that they are not alone.

Our helpful team of staff and volunteers ensure that they provide support and assistance to seniors while they are in the hub.

The Hub generally provides information and resources, promotes well-being, encourages lifelong learning, and offers support and assistance.


We believe in counselling and listening to our senior citizens

Agricultural Classes

Learn to grow your food by an agriculturist for sustainable living.

Social Activities

Fun games and activities to keep the seniors happy and engaged.

Picnics and Excursions

Outings and days out to build a stronger happier community

Physiotherapy Advice

Help to elevate avoidable pain through targeted advice for seniors.

Story Time

Visits to secondary schools and universities to share live experience.

A place to build community

The features of this club allows the senior citizens and their family a safe place to build trusting community.Axios aspires to build an active ageing community by encouraging every Nigerian to take active ageing seriously

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To build a viable society of senior citizens. Promote social interaction by creating a community that foster the building of new relationships and companionship

To encourage retirees/seniors to explore and discover new talents even in their later years

To create a community that integrates younger and senior citizens

Changing people’s perception on ageing. Breaking the cultural belief and barriers of ageing. Stamping out ageism

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    What People Say about our foundation

    “ Thank you very much for the food Pack God bless you all “

    Mrs Enechi

    “ Thanks Axios family we appreciate you, thanks for your good work God bless you, mama sent her regards “

    Mrs Bessie

    “ Good evening to you all. I want to sincerity appreciate the kind gesture you extended to me during today's meeting. I pray God to reward & bless you all “

    Mrs Nimah

    “ Thank you so much Received with thanks “

    Mrs Enechi

    “ My own senior citizens l hail you all. God bless and replenish your pockets in Jesus Name Amen. I have started missing the Saturday visitation. “

    Mrs Felicia

    “ Thanks for the credit. I appreciate. God replenish your pocket in Jesus Name Amen. “

    Mrs Felicia

    “ Noted, we appreciate the anchor of the club. May Allah bless the founder with good health, wealth, long life and prosperity Aamiin. “

    Mr Momoh

    “ My son received it for me. May God bless you abundantly. The foundation will continue to grow from strength to strength. “

    Mr Momoh

    “ Received with much thanks. May God keep us fit & protect everyone of us. You're blessed. “

    Mrs Nimah

    “ Thanks to AXIOS Seniors Club for this position given me. By the grace of God, I hope to do my best for the growth of the Club. God bless the Founder, the Organizers and the members of the Club. Long live AXIOS Seniors Club. “

    Mrs Ojonuba (Club VP)

    “ Thanks to the Leadership. We are grateful to you all for the service rendered. God bless you all. “

    Mrs Jad

    “ I want to say a big thank you to AXIOS Senior Club, the Founder and the Organizers . God bless you all. Today's outing was so refreshing to me. The joy, the smile and the exercise. “

    Mrs Ojonuba

    “ The personnel that covered this episode is commendable, well done. I also salute the initiator of this laudable program, we appreciate you, may God bless your entire family, Aameen “

    Mr Momoh

    “ I appreciate the Axios Seniors Club Founder and all the officials of the club for organizing such a lecture. May the Lord continue to bless you. “

    Mrs Felicia (Club PRO )

    “ Thank God for the enabling environment. I appreciate our guest Lecturer & our coordinators. May God bless & reward you all. Honestly, the lecture made my day. I could not attend to the end. I would like to have a copy of the lectures. Thanks & have a wonderful weekend. “

    Mrs Nimah

    “ I hereby express my sincere appreciation to AXIOS Seniors Club for your care. You are wonderful. God bless. “

    Mrs Ojonuba

    “ I sincerely appreciate the attention you gave to Us always. May the God of heaven Bless you Sir and Ma, Ramadan Mubarak to all our Muslims Members. Thanks very Much. “

    Mrs Jad

    “ Om beheld of my entire family, I say a big thank you for your love, concern and care. The Lord God bless, strengthen, keep and sustain you and the vision. Good night and God bless ; “

    Mr Okolo

    “ Alhamdulillah for everything I really really appreciate. “

    Mrs Bilkisu

    “ Thanks for coming I really appreciate God bless you ❤️ “

    Mrs Bessie

    “ I appreciate the gift and appointment letter issued to me by management of Axios Seniors club thank you. “

    Mr Peter (Club Secretary )

    “ May Allah's rahma never depart from you and your family Aameen. “

    Mrs Bilkisu

    “ Good morning my CEO, regards to you and your entire family. Thanks for making us believe we are not tired though retired. May Allah reward all your efforts with Aljannatul Firdaus Aameen. “

    Mr Aliyu (Club President )

    “ Thanks Axios the founder of this great club , thanks admin and the organizers may God reward you richly. “

    Mrs Bessie

    “ My sincere thanks to the Organizers for the Lectures, the entertainment and for the take home package. God bless. “

    Mrs Ojonuba

    “ I use this medium to appreciate all members of Axios Seniors club. We thank God for a successful deliberations and the Physio lesson we had to day. Dr. Kayode we appreciate you and to our daddy who out of the little he has were able to distribute some food stuff to the members, you shall never see lack in your life in Jesus Name Amen. For the old and new members thank you for honouring our invitation. “

    Mrs Felicia (Club PRO )

    “ Thank you very much to Axios day airtime received and loaded.GOD bless you. “

    Mr Peter

    “ Thank you for your efforts, May Allah protect you, and continue to uplift you in all your endeavour. May God bless the entire family, Ameen🙏. “

    Mr Momoh

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