November 2022

Axios Senior Citizens Foundation held its first Medical Outreach in kubwa, Abuja, Nigeria on the 19th of November 2022.
The outreach was a response to various health needs of the elderly, identified in the community. Hypertension, various infections, musculoskeletal conditions, diabetes, HIV, other health challenges, along with socio-economic factors - which make it almost impossible for elders in the community to live a healthier life were discovered as well.
There was a health talk by a seasoned physician and a sensitisation of the elders. They were informed about the aims and objectives of ASCF, what the outreach was all about, and the various medical services available to take care of their medical needs.

The team of volunteers comprised of doctors, dentists, nurses, medical professionals, and other volunteers that handled the logistics.
For the outreach, elders were categorized as those who are 50years and above.

About 100 people benefited from the free medical outreach. The free services/checks provided included Blood Pressure (BP), Blood Glucose, Urinalysis, HIV test, Primary Eye test, and physiotherapy consultation.
The overall general medical status of the individuals was good, based on reports by the medical team
The turnout was impressive - an indication that elders in the community were getting to be very health conscious.

December 2022
Axios Senior Citizens club was officially launched and a dietician was invited to lecture the seniors on healthy food and healthy eating habits, portion control and food planning, among other topics covered. The seniors were addressed on specific dietary requirement and medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies and gastrointestinal disorders. 
Before the lecture Blood Pressure and Blood sugar situation of the elders were taken and they were duly advised, based on readings obtained. 
February 2023

The Food Bank service was launched and packages of food were distributed to the seniors. A physiotherapist taught the seniors some light exercises and addressed the seniors on various musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain, joint sprains, muscle strains and osteoarthritis, and how to mitigate or manage them effectively. The seniors were also shown some manual therapeutic exercises and other interventions to alleviate pain, improve range of motion and restore limb functions.

March 2023
the staff, club officials and volunteers went on a house-to-house visit of members in order to ascertain their well-being and provide in-situation medical checks for them.
The seniors Blood Pressure were checked and packages of food were given to them under the Food Bank initiative.
April 2023

The monthly seniors meeting was held and a psychologist was invited to talk to the elders on “The Life That Starts at 60, The Prospect, The Challenges. Major areas of advice to the elders are as follows: 

Generally, mental health
Mood disorders
Eating problems, etc.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you.
He broke this down to include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.



Other health personnels checked their Blood Pressure and Blood sugar level.

May 2023 (Renovation and Grand Opening of the Seniors Hub)
Axios Senior Citizens Foundation renovated the building donated by Beida Basic Schools for the ASCF SENIOR CITIZENS HUB.
The building was partitioned into 3 sections: sitting/kitchen area - for watching television, cooking practicals or having conversations, indoor games area - for playing table tennis, ludo, scrabble, chess and whot; and an office space with a work station for the staff.
The seniors Hub was renovated/furnished with the money raised from GoFundMe online platform, family and friends.
Axios Seniors Hub’s grand opening held on 27th May, 2023.
June 2023

The monthly senior’s meeting was held and a fitness instructor was invited. He took the seniors through light exercise. The instructor showed the seniors some manual exercise that they can do in the comfort of their own home and without the use of equipment, they were also shown therapeutic exercises and other intervention to alleviate pain, improve range of motion and restore function. Our volunteer nurse conducted various health checks before and after the exercise session.

July 2023

A lovely breakfast morning was held on July 8, 2023, at the Axios Senior Citizens Foundation hub. This event was aimed at improving social interactions amongst the seniors. It allowed them to unwind and have a good conversation while enjoying a healthy breakfast. The club president reiterated the foundation's purpose and benefits. Our volunteer nurse conducted various health checks. Our volunteer dentist discussed the importance of oral hygiene; he advised good water intake and that seniors should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. The seniors also had the opportunity to play various games and puzzles.

August 2023 - General Club Meeting

Axios Senior's Club meeting was held on August 5, 2023, at the Hub in Kubwa. The club president Mr Aliyu Shiru kicked the session off by explaining the foundation's history and its assistance thus far to new members. Our volunteer nurse was on the ground to run routine checks, which included blood glucose, blood pressure and urinalysis tests. Our volunteer medical doctor Dr Nana Usman was able to review all the tests conducted and offered a one-to-one consultation. As usual, seniors bonded over games, puzzles and light refreshments.


Celebrating World Senior Citizens Day

On August 21, 2023, ASCF celebrated World Seniors Day. The event started with registration and welcoming remarks from the club president. Mr Peter Akolo (a member) delivered a lecture on parenting challenges. The program also included a celebration for all senior citizens and the CEO's birthday.

October 2023

International Day of Older Persons

The event began with participants registering upon arrival. To prepare the participants for the invigorating exercise session led by PT Abdulsalam Kayode, senior health checks were prioritised, such as blood pressure checks. A lecture titled "Safety Insights" was delivered by Mr. Moses Okolo to address crucial safety aspects of a senior's living environment. A Q&A session was held to improve members' knowledge. The event concluded with an emphasis on active ageing and holistic well-being.

November 2023

The Axios Senior Citizens Foundation celebrated its one-year anniversary on November 18, 2023. The event included registration, blood pressure checks, opening remarks from the CEO, member feedback, fun games for seniors, and refreshments. Mr Peter Akolo delivered a lecture on managing human relationships, with a focus on communication and empathy.

December 2023

On December 9th, 2023, the ASCF Medical Outreach was conducted as part of our efforts to bridge the gap in health inequalities. The event provided a comprehensive array of FREE healthcare services to the community, with a focus on screening and testing for various health parameters such as blood pressure, blood sugar, urinalysis, and HIV testing. Medical consultation, dental care, eye care, and physiotherapy sessions were also offered. The outreach event witnessed active community participation, with a diverse range of individuals benefitting from the wide spectrum of healthcare services provided.

January 2024


In January 2024, the tone for the year was set in both management meetings and the Board of Trustee meeting. During the general meeting, the president outlined plans for 2024. These plans included club projects, community events, and outreach activities. Mr. Okolo was elected as Vice President 2, and members pledged donations. Practical advice on health and safety was also shared during the meeting.

February 2024

The February club meeting was centered around CPR training by Nurse Fina and Aisha. Members were taught how to administer CPR in an emergency. The foundation also distributed essential food items under its food bank programme. Members choose their sub-clubs based on their areas of interest. The sub-clubs are Agriculture, Sports, Cooking, Reading and Arts and Crafts.

March 2024


The meeting was led by club President Mr. Aliyu Shiru, who spoke about the COSROPIN event he attended and the importance of collective efforts towards the foundation's objectives. Group leaders from the Agriculture, Cooking, Arts and Crafts, and Sports clubs presented reports on their clubs' activities, plans, and achievements. Seniors discussed preparations for the Global Intergenerational Week coming up in April, and they exchanged ideas for its success. Then, they enjoyed their refreshments and socialized in a relaxed atmosphere.

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Distributed to Senior Citizens in the community.



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